Unlock the Power of Our Proven and Tested Tech Stack.

At Beyond Scopes, we understand the importance of using the right tools for the job. That's why we've carefully selected our tech stack to ensure that it is both proven and tested. From Java & Groovy to PostgreSQL and VueJS, we've got the tools you need for success.

Get in touch, we'll help you build the best solutions

Tech Stack

Our Tech Stack Of Choice:

Proven & tested. For you to succeed


Java & Groovy!

Popular and stable programming languages, with a massive ecosystem and very active communities.

Java is arguably one of the best programming languages in the world. It's been incredibly involving for the past 25 years. Java can be found and used everywhere, from web to embedded devices to Big Data to Machine Learning and more. It is simple, portable, and secure.

Now coming to Groovy, we could say it's simply Java on steroids. Any Java code can be considered Groovy code so we get all the benefits we get from Java. Additionally we get a programming language with a slick syntax, that's both dynamic and static at the same time. With Groovy we get rid of a lot of boilerplate code, and our code becomes much more compact.

We are Java & Groovy experts. We've been using them in production for more than 7 years.

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Advanced, stable, and performant relational database.

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.

Need a relational database? We'd definitely suggest using PostgreSQL.

We are highly proficient in database design and development and have used PostgreSQL extensively.

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APIs & Integrations

For all your integration needs, we've got you covered.

We have extensive experience integrating with 3rd party services.

AWS (Amazon Web Services): we pick and choose Amazon's services that can be helpful for your project. AWS S3 for media and assets storage or AWS Machine Learning services for ML. That's to name a few.

Google Maps APIs: for Map services. For example when you need to work on geolocation or routing algorithms.

Algolia: the king of search, offering you search as a service. Need advanced search functionality? Algolia is your fastest, easiest, and most probably best choice.

Stripe: for anything related to payments processing. Stripe is a great platform.

PayPal: for when you want your users to pay with PayPal.

Others if and when needed.

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Full Stack


One of the best full stack frameworks in the Java/JVM world for rapid prototyping. Developing web applications could not be any easier or faster.

We love Grails and are big advocates for the framework.

We challenge you to work faster with any other framework!

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We love the web and rely heavily on its power. We are advocates for an open and free web for all. Nothing too complicated. We like good ol' technologies that work.

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Bootstrap is the world's most popular CSS framework. It makes designing beautiful frontends a breeze

We've been using Bootstrap for a long long time. We've used it on greenfields projects, we've used it to migrate non-Bootstrap projects, we've migrated projects from Bootstrap 2 to 3 to 4 and now to 5. We've been using it on daily basis since 2014.

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VueJS & Gridsome!

VueJS is a Javascript framework for the frontend. It can be a great choice for developing complex frontends. VueJS is constantly fighting for its first place amongst Javascript frameworks (mainly with React. Keeping the 3rd place to Angular). Having first used AngularJS, and then having worked on projects where companies had wrongly chosen react, we now rely on our own experience when chosing VueJS over other frontend frameworks.

What we love most about VueJS? Its simplicity and its incrementally adaptable architecture. Meaning you easily start introducing VueJS to any project without having to rework everything from scratch.

Now Gridsome is a static site generator that we recently fell for. Why? You should know us by now, the answer is again: SIMPLICITY!

Gridsome is a great for when you want to embrace the Jamstack approach. Jamstack is an architecture designed to make the web faster, more secure, and easier to scale. It's been gaining in popularity in the last few years.

Nuxt.js is another frontend framework. Similarly to Gridsome, it's built on top of VueJS. Nuxt.js makes VueJS development even easier than it already is.

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We mentioned our love for simplicity already. That's why we love Heroku! Heroku is your guaranteed fastest and easiest way to get up and running. Need not to worry about servers, databases or anything infrastructure related! As a PaaS (Platform as a Service) solution Heroku saves you tons of headache and money. It basically saves you from hiring database administrators, SysOps, DevOps, DevSecOps or whatever new cool name the industry will come up with. You've got Heroku! They worry about database upgrades and infrastructure maintenance for you! If you're a startup, don't even try comparing Heroku to AWS or other cloud providers. By the way, we're AWS certified; we know what we're talking about. AWS, Azure, and GCP are all IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) which means (although it's in the cloud and you don't physically own it) you still have to worry about your infrastructure.


Netlify can be considered as the equivalent of Heroku, but for when you don't need a backend and a database. Netlify increases your productivity insanely. It allows you to deploy and ship your Serverless apps or websites so much faster. Best of all you get the best in terms of performance, and you get plenty of nifty features for when your site is not so static but doesn't need a whole bulky backend. Oh and hosting on Netlify starts for free!


Bitbucket is a version control system, it's where we store all our code when working with you. Bitbucket is cool, we like features like Bitbucket pipelines that allow us to achieve Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. No need to wait a week or a month for new features to be deployed and going live. New code can go live in a matter of minutes.

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Continous Improvement!

We follow the lean approach. We work in short iterations and ship quickly and often to our users. We don't take decisions based on personal preferences. We watch, we analyse and then decide. We let numbers speak for themselves. To achieve that we ultimately need tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Optimize, and Hotjar. All these tools give us insights into how our users are using our products and what works best for them and for us. Want to increase conversions and users' engagement? Study how they use your product and make adjustments as you go. Not sure which color, text, layout, or image works best? Easy; start by A/B testing. Offer your users multiple versions and see which one works best. Very often you'd be surprised, what seems to be common sense is not actually that common sense (well at least not to your users). It is key for you to continously improve your product and evolve with your users and their needs.

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When Needed!

Our technology stack has proven over and over again to be reliable, secure, scalable, easy to learn and modify.

We're always committed to using the best tool for the job. We genuinely make decisions that are in your best interest.

This means we may help you with different technologies when/if needed. But if we slighly doubt that your specific needs aren't within our expertise: We tell you. We don't seek taking on every and any project. We carefully select our partners and the projects we feel most passionate about.

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